Welcome to the Hellenic School
of Ottawa
The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board offers Elementary and Secondary International Languages (IL) Programs through Continuing Education. The Hellenic Community of Ottawa works in partnership with the school board and together they provide high-quality instruction in the Greek language to grade levels from JK to grade 8.
There are approximately 185 students at our school and 11 instructors.

Summer Language Program and Camp
Please note that our students can attend the OCDSB summer Greek language program at Lady Evelyn Public School and at Farley Mowat Public School, provided there are enough registrations. Greek language program will be offered in the morning from 9:30-12:00 and students can register in the afternoon Spanish camp or another afternoon language program for a full day program. OCDSB has informed us that they could also offer an afternoon camp in the Greek language provided there are enough registrations. Language camps have an exciting schedule with 4 field trips to museums, robotics, theatre/writing, and other workshops, and engaging experiential activities. Please check the schedule in Lady Evelyn and Farley Mowat school sites. Further information and registration forms can be found in the OCDSB website.
DRoy Kennedy Public school
919 Woodroffe Ave, Ottawa, ON K2A 3G9, Canada
Tel: 613-728-1993
May 19, 2018
Victoria Day weekend!
There will be no school this Saturday, May 19. Our classes will resume next weekend, May 26. Enjoy your weekend!
April 7, 2018
Καλό Πάσχα!
Happy Easter! Due to Easter weekend, our school will not run as regularly this coming Saturday, April 7. Should you decide to bring your child to school there will be an instructor during regular hours. School will resume next Saturday, April 14. Καλή Ανάσταση!
March 24, 2018
25th of March Greek Independence Day Celebration
On Saturday March 24 the students of the Greek school will celebrate the Greek Independence Day in the gym. The celebration will start at 11:00 am. Parents and guardians and family members are welcome to attend and enjoy the beautiful performances of our students.
Εξετάσεις Ελληνομάθειας
Καλή Επιτυχία στους μαθητές και στις μαθήτριες του σχολείου μας (Δημοτικού και Λυκείου) που παίρνουν μέρος στις εξετάσεις Ελληνομάθειας (15-17 Μαΐου, 2018)!
Raise of the Greek Flag
25th of March 1821 - Greek Independence Day
March 24, 10:00 am
On March 23, 2018 the Ceremony of the Raise of the flag will take place at the Ottawa City Hall. Students and parents of the Greek school (elementary and secondary) are welcome to attend. Students will also do performances of songs and poems. For further information please visit the website of the Hellenic Community of Ottawa
February 24, 2018
Apokriatiko Party
On Saturday February 25 students will celebrate Apokries in the gym. They will create masks, dance to the songs of Greek carnival music and participate in drawing contest on the theme "Greek Apokries".
January 28, 2018
Three Hierarchs Luncheon
You are all welcome to celebrate with us the Three Hierarchs, to admire the students' work displayed at the hall, and congratulate the students who succeeded in the Greek Language Attainment exams. The Three Hierarchs Luncheon is organized by the PGA and will take place after the Liturgy on Sunday, January 28, at noon. This is an opportunity to support our school and celebrate the Greek Language and Education.
Greek Language Attainment Exam
Deadline March 18
Students who are interested in participating in the exams for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek should contact their teachers to express their interest. Please, note that the registration for participating in the exams should be done between February 1 to March 18, 2018. Therefore, the last day to hand in your registration form, the questionnaire and other documents is March 10 at the Hellenic School of Ottawa.
For more information, please see attached file and contact Ms. Andromachi Marinou-Bleeker at andromachi.marinou-bleeker@ocdsb.ca or Ms. Emmelia Kardaras at emmeliak@helleniccommunity.com.
Three Hierarchs Luncheon
Sunday, January 28, 2018 the Hellenic School will honour the Three Hierarchs with Artoclasia and a Luncheon hosted by the Parents & Guardians Association (PGA) at the Banquet Centre. This is the main fundraising event for the PGA and the Hellenic School. Ticket information to follow. Please consider supporting our Greek school by attending, making a 30 dollar donation or donating a prize for the raffle. Please contact any member of the PGA executive for more information or PGA.ottawagreekschool@gmail.com
It will be an opportunity for all of us to admire our students' work which will be displayed at the hall of the Community Centre and, additionally, congratulate the students from the Hellenic School (elementary) and from the Credit Course who passed successfully the exams for the Attainment of the Greek Language Competence last year, 2017.
Συγχαρητήρια στους παρακάτω μαθητές και μαθήτριες που πέρασαν με επιτυχία στις εξετάσεις για το Πιστοποιητικό Ελληνομάθειας το 2017:
Επίπεδο Α1α:
Ξερακιάς Θεόδωρος
Παπαδάτου Ιουλία
Σαρλή Ευαγγελία
Σκουλά Άννα Μαρία
Τσαρούχα Σοφία-Νικολέτα
Τζεμενάκης Γεώργιος
Χατζητίμπας Ιωάννης
Επίπεδο Α1β:
Πανταζόπουλος Ηλίας
Πεζούλα Άβα Franscesca
Χατζής Ματθαίος
Επίπεδο Α2:
Καρλή Ιωάννα
Τζεμενάκης Ανδρέας Νικόλαος
Επίπεδο Β2:
Μανιάτη Αγγελική
Επίπεδο Γ1:
Σώκος Γρηγόριος
Τα πιστοποιητικά Ελληνομάθειας θα δοθούν στους μαθητές και στις μαθήτριες κατά τη διάρκεια της Γιορτής των Τριών Ιεραρχών την Κυριακή, 28 Ιανουαρίου 2018, στο Κοινοτικό κέντρο της ελληνικής Κοινότητας της Οττάβας. Ας παρευρεθούμε όλοι σε αυτή τη γιορτή της παιδείας και των γραμμάτων.
Καλά Χριστούγεννα
Merry Christmas!
16 Δεκεμβρίου
Ελάτε να απολαύσουμε τη Χριστουγεννιάτικη γιορτή που ετοιμάζουν τα παιδιά του Ελληνικού Σχολείου της Οττάβας το Σάββατο, 16 Δεκεμβρίου, στις 10:00 πμ στο Κοινοτικό κέντρο. Ο Άγιος Βασίλης θα μοιράσει αγάπη και δωράκια στο τέλος της γιορτής. ΄Ολα τα παιδάκια της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας της Οττάβας είναι ευπρόσδεκτα να γνωρίσουν τον Άη Βασίλη. Μάθαμε ότι θα υπάρχουν και λουκουμάδες!
January 6, 2018
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! Our classes start this Saturday, January 6, 2018.
December 16, 2017
Christmas Pageant
You are all invited to attend and enjoy our students celebrating Christmas with their songs, poems and performances taking place at the Hellenic Community of Ottawa, this Saturday at 10:00 am.
Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένος ο Καινούριος Χρόνος!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
December 9, 2017
Santa - Άγιος Βασίλης
Santa Claus is visiting our school this Saturday to give out candy canes and smiles to our students!
November 25, 2017
Class Photo Day
Please, note that this Saturday, we will take our classroom photos. It is advisable that students come to school dressed in blue and white, the colours of the Greek flag.
November 4, 2017
PD Day for teachers
NO School
Please, note that the school will be closed this coming Saturday, because it is the PD Day for the teachers. We will see you back the following Saturday, November 11. Have a beautiful weekend!
October 28, 2017
Teacher-Parents Meetings
Συναντήσεις Γονέων-Δασκάλων
Please, note that this Saturday, October 28, the Teacher-Parents meetings will take place at the classrooms of your children. There will be two rounds of meetings, so parents who have more than 2 children attending different classes will be accommodated to attend more than one meetings. The scheduling of the meetings is as following:
1st round of meetings: 9:15-9:45
2nd round of meetings: 8:45-10:15
We are looking forward to seeing you all!
October 7, 2017
Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών
Please, note that this coming weekend we do not have school because of the Thanksgiving weekend. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with families and friends!
September 30, 2017
Αγιασμός Σχολικής Χρονιάς
Blessing of the Waters
The Blessing of the Waters at the Hellenic School of Ottawa will take place this Saturday, September 30th at 11:30 am, at the gymnasium of our school. Our deepest gratitude goes to Father Alex Michalopoulos who so graciously devotes his time to come and bless our school, students, and teachers. Parents, guardians and family members are welcome to attend the ceremony.
September 9, 2017
Greek School Registrations
Welcome Back! Registrations will take place on September 9th at D Roy Kennedy Public School, which is located at 919 Woodroffe Avenue, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The Hellenic School Parents and Guardians Association will be hosting a “Meet the Teacher” breakfast with coffee and muffins for everyone in the gymnasium on Saturday.
PGA General Meeting
December 9, 2017
All Parents and Guardians are invited to participate in the General Meeting organized by the Parents and Guardians Association. The meeting will take place on December 9, at 9:30 am at the gym of the Hellenic School of Ottawa. Please, come with questions and ideas.
October 28, 1940
OXI Day!
Our students will be celebrating OXI day on October 28. Grade 7 and Grade 8 will do a presentation commemorating the events that lead to freedom for one more time. We will also sing Vempo's heroic song and the National Anthem of Greece. Our celebration will start at 11:45 at the gym of our school.
Χρόνια Πολλά στην Ελλάδα!
Ζήτω η Ελευθερία!
Greek Summer Camp 2017
We would like to inform you about this year Greek Summer Camp (program similar to Los Amigos in terms of time and registration fees) which will be available to students from 5 to 12 years of age at Hopewell Avenue Public School during the month of July. Please note that we have been informed that, provided we have enough registrations, the Summer Program in the Greek language can run from 9:00 till 4:00. To ensure that this program will run please submit the registration form as soon as possible.
Otherwise, the deadline for the registrations for the morning program (from 9:00-12:00) is on July 4 (onsite registration). Apart from the Greek language instruction, students will engage in various activities and will immerse into the Greek culture and Mythology. Please, note that previous exposure to language is not required. For further information on the program, the optional Pre & Post Care available, and the cost, please, consult the websites: http://www.ocdsb.ca/programs/continuweb/ILP/ILPDocs/Los%20Amigos.pdf
Credit Course - Grade 8 students
For Grade 8 students who are interested in registering at the Greek Language Credit course, please note that the registrations will take place at the beginning of September (most likely on September 9, 2017) at the Glebe Collegiate (212 Glebe Ave) between 9:00-12:30.
Youth Soccer
The Ottawa Hellenic Athletic Association (OHAA) is celebrating its 14th season of Youth Soccer. The program has enjoyed a large participation from the Hellenic Community and its friends and continues to expand. Early registration fees for Development (U4 to U8) apply to May 8th. For more information on the programs visit the OHAA website at www.ohaa.org or contact Mr. George S. Georgopoulos at ohaa@rogers.com.
June 24, 2017
The Greek Embassy invites all students and parents
This coming Saturday, June 24, his Excellency Ambassador Mr. George Marcantonatos and his wife Ms. Vasiliki Tsirou-Marcantonatou are inviting all students and parents from the Greek Elementary and High school to the Greek Embassy residence to celebrate the graduation of our students. That will be on Saturday, June 24, from 5:00-7:00 pm, at 534 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 3N4. Please, confirm your attendance by June 22 at hellenic.school.ottawa@gmail.com.
June 17, 2017
Graduation Day
End of School Year Celebration
This coming Saturday, June 17, will be our Graduation Day. The Graduation ceremony will take place at the gym of the Greek School at 10:00 am. Students are expected to arrive at school at 9:00 am. We welcome Parents and Guardians, family and friends to come and celebrate with us the achievements of all our the students!
June 10, 2017
Fun Day
On Saturday, May 10, student will engage in a plethora of educational activities that will allow them to acquire a deep appreciation of the Greek culture and traditions. They will learn Greek traditional dances and play traditional games! We would like to thank the Director of the Dance School of our community, Ms. Maria Koulouris and all volunteers who will come and teach us how to dance Greek traditional dances. We are looking forward to that!
May 6, 2017
Grade 6 - Essay
This Saturday, May 6, the students of grade 6 will write an essay on the topic: "Why Greek language is important to me". PGA will award the monetary prize of 100$ to the student with the highest performance. Good luck to all grade 6 students!
April 15, 2017
Easter Weekend - No School
Our school will be closed on April 15 because of Easter. Our classes will resume next Saturday, April 22, at 9:00 am. Our warmest wishes for Happy Easter! Καλή Ανάσταση!
April 1, 2017
Greek Independence Day celebration
You are all invited to our school celebration of the 25th of March 1821 Greek Independence Day. The celebration will take place at the gym of the school at 10:30 am.
March 4, 2017
Workshop on Archaeology
Students from grades 4 to 8 will attend a workshop on Greek Archaeology organized by professor Ms. Efharis Kostala and her students from the University of Ottawa: Nicole Iu, Katherine Koutras, Lydia Schriemer, Emily Weedmark.
February 25, 2017
Apokriatiko Party
On Saturday February 25 students will celebrate Apokries in the gym. They will create masks, dance to the songs of Greek carnival music and participate in drawing contest on the theme "Greek Apokries".
March 21, 2017
Ottawa welcomes the World: Greece
In honour of Canada’s 150th birthday, Ottawa celebrates in Lansdowne Park on March 21 the contribution of Greece's rich cultural heritage showcasing its culture, food, music, dance and more! The Hellenic School of Ottawa will be there assisting with educational activities offered to visiting students and schools. The students of the Elementary Hellenic School and of the Greek Credit Course (High school students) prepared a video singing the song "We are the World - Είμαστε Εμείς Παιδιά του Κόσμου", in Greek and English. You will be able to enjoy our students' beautiful voices at the Hellenic School of Ottawa section at Holicultural Building.
March 26, 2017
Greek Language Attainment Exam
Deadline extended to March 26
Students who are interested in participating in the exams for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek should contact their teachers to express their interest. Please, note that the registration for participating in the exams should be done between February 1 to March 26, 2017. Therefore, the last day to hand in your registration form, the questionnaire and other documents is March 25 at the Hellenic School of Ottawa.
For more information, please see attached file and contact Ms. Andromachi Marinou-Bleeker at machoula@hotmail.com or Ms. Emmelia Kardaras at emmeliak@helleniccommunity.com.
Jan 29, 2017
Three Hierarchs Luncheon
The Three Hierarchs Luncheon is hosted by the Parents and Guardians Association (PGA) and it is the main fundraising event for our Hellenic School. It is an opportunity to get together and celebrate the Three Great Teachers, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. It will be an opportunity for all of us to admire our students' work which will be displayed at the hall of the Community Centre and, additionally, congratulate the students from the Hellenic School (elementary) and from the Credit Course who passed successfully the exams for the Attainment of the Greek Language Competence last year, 2016.
Συγχαρητήρια στους παρακάτω μαθητές και μαθήτριες που πέρασαν με επιτυχία στις εξετάσεις για το Πιστοποιητικό Ελληνομάθειας το 2016:
Επίπεδο Α1α:
Γεωργία Αγγελοπούλου
Άρτεμη Dalby
Αλεξία Καραΐσκου
Εμμανουέλα Λιαγκριδώνη
Διομήδης-Ηλίας Μανιάτης
Επίπεδο Α1β:
Ελένη Καραΐσκου
Γιώργος Τσαρούχας
Ανδρέας Τζεμενάκης
Επίπεδο Β1:
Ελισάβετ Γρηγοροπούλου
Αγγελική Μανιάτη
Επίπεδο Γ2:
Ελένη Σώκου
Τα πιστοποιητικά Ελληνομάθειας θα δοθούν στους μαθητές και στις μαθήτριες κατά τη διάρκεια της Γιορτής των Τριών Ιεραρχών αυτή την Κυριακή, 29 Ιανουαρίου 2017, στο Κοινοτικό κέντρο της ελληνικής Κοινότητας της Οττάβας. Ας παρευρεθούμε όλοι σε αυτή τη γιορτή της παιδείας και των γραμμάτων.
Dec 17, 2016
Greek School Students' fundraising initiative
Our students are involved in the Christmas fundraising event and they help in raising funds for families and especially children in need. Last year’s proceeds from the same initiative supported Philoptohos' initiative of Pajama Drive, purchasing and donating many PJs for little kids from 3 months to 12 years of age. Students have created Christmas cards and/or ornaments at school which were sold in class. We were very excited to get some of these wonderful creations. On December 17, during our Christmas Pageant at the Hellenic Community, there will be a table in the hall with a box where any donations can be offered towards this cause. Thank you for your support!
Dec 10, 2016
Drawing Contests for JK to Grade 4 students
Our youngest students, from JK to grade 4 (up to 10 years old), can participate in a Drawing Contest organized by ANT1 and the team "Me Agapi" of Mrs. Mari Kuriakou, in whose show the drawings will be shown. The awards are 3 iPad mini 32gb wifi and 3 greek online lessons package. This year there will be 3 extra winners who will each receive a package of Greek online lessons. The contest ends on the 10th of December. Students who are interested in participating should bring their works this coming Saturday, December 10, to collect and send them electronically the same day.
January 29, 2017
Three Hierarchs Luncheon
The Three Hierarchs Luncheon will take place this coming Sunday, January 29 2017, at noon right after the liturgy, at the Hellenic Community Banquet. The teachers of the Hellenic School of Ottawa will attend the Artoclasia at the church in the morning and it would be great for the students of our school to attend as well.
January 7, 2017
Welcome back in 2017
Our school is open this Saturday, January 7, 2017.
December 17, 2016
Christmas Pageant - Χριστουγεννιάτικη Γιορτή
Our Christmas Pageant will take place on December 17 at 10:00 am at the Hellenic Community Center, 1315 Prince of Wales Dr, Ottawa. Students are expected to be there at 9:30 am to get organized in their class groups. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the beautiful presentations of our students. Someone very Special will visit all students and children at the end of the event!
December 10, 2016
Santa is visiting our school...
On December 10 Santa-Claus will visit our classrooms to wish Merry Christmas and give candy-canes to our students! How exciting!
November 26, 2016
Class Photos Day
On November 26 we will take the Class Photos. Please come to school dressed in BLUE and WHITE, the colours of our Greek flag.
November 19, 2016
On November 19 the school will be closed because is the PD Day for the teachers. Enjoy you weekend!
November 5, 2016
Parents-Teachers meetings
Parents are welcome to meet the teachers and discuss about the curriculum and the expectations of their children grade level. You will receive information on the exact time of the meeting by the teacher of your child.
October 29, 2016
Commemorating the OXI Day
We are very excited to announce that Grade 8 students will be doing a presentation on the historical events of 28th of October 1940 and what led to freedom and Independence. All students of the Hellenic School will attend the presentation at the gym of our school at 12:00 pm. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend.
October 8, 2016
No School
There is no classes taking place on October 8. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Classes will resume on October 15.
October 1, 2016
Blessing - Αγιασμός
Father Alex Michalopoulos will visit our school for the Blessing for the New School Year. The Blessing will take place at 11:30 am at the gym of the school. Parents are welcome to attend.
September 10, 2016
Welcome Back! Registration will take place on September 10th at D Roy Kennedy Public School, which is located at 919 Woodroffe Avenue, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The Hellenic School Parents and Guardians Association will be hosting a “Meet the Teacher” breakfast with coffee and muffins for everyone in the gymnasium on Saturday.
September 17, 2016
First Day of School!
All students are welcome to attend their first day at the Hellenic school of Ottawa this Saturday, from 9:00 till 12:30.
Please, make sure to pack a scnack and drink for your child. Food and drinks should be nut-free!
Θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ τους παρακάτω μαθητές και μαθήτριες που πέρασαν με επιτυχία στις εξετάσεις για το Πιστοποιητικό Ελληνομάθειας το 2016:
Επίπεδο Α1α:
Γεωργία Αγγελοπούλου
Άρτεμη Dalby
Αλεξία Καραΐσκου
Εμμανουέλα Λιαγκριδώνη
Διομήδης-Ηλίας Μανιάτης
Επίπεδο Α1β:
Ελένη Καραΐσκου
Γιώργος Τσαρούχας
Ανδρέας Τζεμενάκης
Επίπεδο Β1:
Ελισάβετ Γρηγοροπούλου
Αγγελική Μανιάτη
Επίπεδο Γ2:
Ελένη Σώκου
Τα πιστοποιητικά Ελληνομάθειας θα δοθούν στους μαθητές και στις μαθήτριες κατά τη διάρκεια της Γιορτής των Τριών Ιεραρχών στις 29 Ιανουαρίου 2017 στο Κοινοτικό κέντρο της ελληνικής Κοινότητας της Οττάβας.
Sept. 25, 2016
Hike for CHEO
Please join us on Sunday, September 25, 2016, at Hellenic Meeting & Reception Centre and participate in the HIKE for CHEO to help the kids in rain or shine! The registrations will be from 9:00-10:30 am.
We are celebrating 25 years of family fun. All ages are welcome!
There will be prizes for oldest & youngest participants!
For every $50 raised, you will be entered to win a special prize! For more information and to complete the Participation Form/Pledge, please open the link: CHEO2016
Sept. 17, 2016
Registrations continue this Saturday
Registrations will continue this Saturday at the hall of the school from 9:30 till 10:30 am.
All student are welcome to attend their first day of school.
Sept. 10, 2016
Secondary Program - Credit Course
OCDSB offers classes in Greek language at no charge for academic credits towards a secondary diploma (Grades: 10, 11 & 12). Adults who wish to learn Greek Language can also register to take these classes. The credit course runs at at Glebe Collegiate (212 Glebe Ave).
Sept. 10, 2016
Volunteering with PGA
Please, feel free to drop by the PGA table to sign up for hall monitor duties and for providing assistance with one or more of the events/celebrations held during our school year. Your time and contribution are greatly appreciated!